Suggestions for Human Tissue Biospecimen Requests
Following are suggested criteria for inclusion in your request:
• Format (FFPE, fresh, frozen, fluids, FNA, biopsies, primary cells)
• Tissue type and origin (blood, cells, DNA-RNA, human, animal, plant)
• Quantity (number of cases “N”, size of tissue or fluid volume)
• Indication, tissue disease status, (healthy / normal vs diseased)
• Definition of “normal” (normal adjacent, postmortem)
• Requirements for prospective vs. archived specimens
• Method of specimen acquisition. Consider providing a full protocol
• Culture medium requirements (see cell-culture.info for supplies)
• Preservation temperature (minimum and maximum ranges)
• Processing and handling requirements
• Shipping and logistical requirements
• Age of sample limitations
• Patient demographic data (age, sex, race, ethnicity)
• Required medical data. Basic demographic info & path report is standard
• Budget for data mining (outcome info / chart review / treatment)
• Proof of patient consent/IRB-Ethics documentation
• Deadline / time line (be realistic, allow MONTHS for prospective studies)
• Other
Specimen Central makes no representations or warranties regarding the quality, source, condition, suitability, reliability, confidentiality or legality of any or all biospecimens. Users of Specimen Central must exercise absolute due diligence in the qualification, selection and acquisition of all biospecimens and in the biobank suppliers who represent them.