Global Biobank Directory, Tissue Banks and Biorepositories

biobank directory human tissue specimens blood smears samples

Our goal is to create the world’s most comprehensive directory of biobanks, tissue banks and biorepositories. We have included organizations that  collect any or all of the following: Human and animal whole blood, blood products (plasma, serum, RBC, white cells, buffy coat, protein, etc) marrow, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, amniotic fluid, synovial fluid and other fluids, DNA / RNA, fresh / frozen / FFPE solid tissue, including surgically excised, postmortem, normal and diseased, tumor / tumour (uk) and biopsy materials spanning all types of common and rare pathologies and indications, carcinomas and cancers of all types and subtypes, (lung cancer, liver cancer, bladder cancer, bone cancer, brain cancer, breast cancer,  colorectal cancer, colon cancer, hodgkins and non-hodgkins lymphoma, kidney/renal cancer, leukemia, melanoma, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, urinary cancer etc). Also available are samples from normal and neurodegenerative CNS indications (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis etc) autoimmune, inflammatory diseases and more. Some of our sources can even provide large cohorts of de-identified medical records and data for statistical research.

• If you are looking for primary cells please click here.

• Please note that Specimen Central has no control over the accuracy or legitimacy of content on third party sites or the services they offer, so we urge scientists to use common sense and caution when interacting with biobanks or organization listed in this biobank directory.

• By using this site, or any of the content or links listed here, all visitors agree that they have sole responsibility for evaluating the legitimacy of third party organizations. Specimen Central cannot be held responsible for the outcome of any introduction we make. All vendors who list on our directory must follow all appropriate local laws and international guidelines for the handling, storage and distribution of biospecimens. If it comes to our attention that any organization listed here fails to follow proper procedures, they will be removed from our listing.

• We would very much appreciate it if research organizations that acquire samples from the biobank directory listed here could provide us with feedback describing your experience. We plan to eventually use your feedback to develop a biospecimen provider rating system. For researcher feedback to be considered, researchers MUST contact us from their institutional email address.

• Our biobank directory and specimen exchange services are offered free of charge for the benefit of the industry and the advancement of healthcare research, but if this site helps you, and you would like this free service to continue, please consider making a donation using the paypal link to the right. This helps us cover our web hosting and other expenses. We take note of organizations who help to support this site with donations, and we prioritize incoming inquiries accordingly.

Links last updated: January 2025. Contact us to update your organization’s information or request inclusion of your biobank in the Specimen Central biobank directory.

Global Regions


European Biobanks

ATGrazBiobank Graz
ATViennaMUW Biobank
BEBrusselsBiotheque Wallonie Bruxelles
BEBrusselsSaint-Luc Tumour Bank
BELuxembourgIntegrated Biobank of Luxembourg
BGSofiaFidelis Research Ltd.
CHBernBiobank Suisse
CHBernTumor Bank Bern
CHMontheySwiss Biobank
DEBerlinCentral Biomaterial Bank – German Heart Failure Network
DEBerlinSepNet Central Sample Bank
DELübeckInterdisciplinary Center for Biobanking-Lübeck (ICB-L)
DEMunichBrainNet Europe
DEMunichCPC-M bioArchive
DERegensburgDanubian Biobank Consortium
EETartuEstonia Biobank
ESBarcelonaBiobank of Hospital Clínic – IDIBAPS
ESBizkaiaBasque Biobank
ESGranadaAndalusian Regional Tumour Bank
ESMadridRetic-RIS HIV Biobank
ESMadridCNIO Biobank
FIHelsinkiNational Biobank of Finland
FITurkuBiobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure Institute BBMRI
FRAmiensBiobanque de Picardie
FREvryGenethon DNA and Cell Bank
FRLyonPGEB of the Léon Berard Center at Lyon, France
FRLyonBiobank Resource Centre de Franc
FRLyonEuropean Sarcoma & Tumour Bank
FRMarseilleTumour Bank of Provence
GRMarousiStem-Health Hellas Stem Cell Bank
HUBudapestHungarian Neurological-Psychiatric Biobank
IEDublinBiobank Ireland Trust
IEDublinDublin Brain Bank
IEBelfastNorthern Ireland Virtual Tissue Archive
IEWexfordBiostor Ireland
IETrinityTrinity Biobank
ITFlorenceda Vinci European Biobank
ITGenoaBiological Resource Centre – National Institute for Cancer Research
ITGenoaTelethon Network of Genetic Biobanks
ITMilanCell line and DNA Bank of Genetic Movement Disorders and Mitochondrial Diseases
NLGroningenErasmus Medical Center
NLGroningenLifelines Biobank
NLNijmegenRadboud Biobank
NLRotterdamEuropean Human Frozen Tissue Bank
NOTrondheimRegional Biobank of Central Norway
NOLevangerHunt Biobank
SELundSwedish Regional Biobank
SEMalmoEuropean Cancer Biobank
SEStockholmKarolinska Biobank
SEStockhomSwedish National Biobank Program
UKCambridgeCamUro-Oncology Biobank
UKCardiffWales Cancer Bank
UKDundeeTayside Tissue Bank
UKEdinburghEdinburg Brain & Tissue Banks
UKHertfordshireUK Stem Cell Bank
UKLeicesterChildren’s Cancer and Leukaemia Tissue Bank
UKLiverpoolTick Cell Biobank
UKLondonChernobyl Tissue Bank
UKLondonNational Cancer Research Institute (NCRI)
UKLondonKing’s College Infectious Diseases BioBank
UKLondonGuy’s & St Thomas’ Research Biobanks
UKLondonUCL Biobanks
UKLondonUK Parkinson’s Disease Tissue Bank
UKLondonUK ME/CFS Biobank
UKLondonMultiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s Tissue Bank
UKLondonVirgin Health Bank
UKManchesterThe UKCRC Tissue Directory and Coordination Centre (TDCC)
UKNewcastle Upon TyneHDBR – Human Developmental Biology Resource
UKNorwichNorwich Research Park Biorepository
UKSalisburyEuropean Collection of Cell Cultures
UKSouthamptonSouthampton Tumour Bank
UKStockportUK Biobank

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North American Biobanks

Canada Biobanks

AlbertaAlberta Prostate Cancer Research Initiative (APCaRI)
EdmontonCanadian Biosample Repository
LondonLawson Brain Tumour Tissue Bank
MontrealCOEUR Biorepository
MontrealQuebec Leukemia Cell Bank
Mont-RoyalPROCURE Quebec Prostate Cancer Biobank
TorontoUHN Biospecimen Services (added 15 February 2023)
TorontoTissue for Research
TorontoOntario Tumour Bank
TorontoSunnybrook Tumour Bank
TorontoUniversity Health Network
VancouverBritish Columbia Gynaecologic Tissue Bank
WinnipegCanadian Tumour Repository Network
WinnipegManitoba Breast Tumour Bank

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US Biobanks

ALBirminghamUniversity of Alabama Tissue Biorepository
AZTucsonUniversity of Arizona Cancer Center and Associated Biorepositories
AZSun CityBanner Health Brain & Tissue Bank
CABerkleySPH Biorepository – UC Berkley
CACulver CityDx Biosamples
CACulver CityProteoGenex, Inc.
CAEl SegundoObio, LLC
CALoma LindaLoma Linda University Cancer Center Biospecimen Laboratory
CALos AngelesBiopartners, Inc
CALos AngelesCalifornia Cryobank, Inc.
CALos AngelesGeneticist Inc
CAMission BayUCSF DNA Bank
CANewarkBioChain Institute, Inc.
CAPalo AltoStanford Tissue Bank
CARomonaProtein Technologies
CASacramentoUC Davis Biorepository
CASan DiegoCytologics LLC
CASan DiegoUC San Diego Biorepository
CASan FranciscoAIDS & Cancer Specimen Resource
CASan FranciscoSutter Health – CPMC Liver Care
CASan FranciscoPathServe
CASan FranciscoUCSF Specimen Banking Core and UCSF AIDS Specimen Bank
CASouth San FranciscoCureline
CASan RamonDonor Network West
CASanta MonicaSanguine BioSciences, Inc.
CASolana BeachPrecisionMed
CAVan NuysHemaCare Corp.
CAWest HollywoodInstitute for Myeloma & Bone Cancer Research (IMBCR) / Myeloma BioBank
COAuroraBeryllium BioBank
COAuroraRocky Mountain MS Brain Tissue Bank
CTFarmingtonResearch Tissue Repository – University of Connecticut
CTNorwalkMyeloma Tissue Bank
DCWashingtonGenetic Alliance Biobank
DCWashingtonTriStar Technology Group LLC
DEWilmingtonEGR LLC
FLGainesvilleBarth Syndrome Biorepository
FLPompano BeachBoca Biolistics
FLTampaLifeLink TissueBank
FLTampaAster Insights
FLGainesvilleUniversity of Florida DNA & Tissue Bank
FLGainesvilleUniversity of Florida Molecular Tissue Bank
FLCoral GablesUniversity of Miami – Center for Genome Technology
FLCoral GablesUniversity of Miami Biospecimen Shared Resource
GAAtlantaBiorepository Alliance of Georgia for Oncology
GAAugustaGeorgia Regents University Tumor Bank
GABall GroundChart Biomedical Ltd.
ILChicagoUniversity of Chicago Human Tissue Center
INIndianapolisBioStorage Technologies
INIndianapolisNational Gene Vector Biorepository
INIndianapolisSusan G. Komen Tissue Bank
KYCovingtonCTI – Clinical Trial & Consulting Biorepository
KYLexingtonNeurobank – University of Kentucky
LANew OrleansLouisiana Cancer Research Consortium
LANew OrleansOchsner Tumor Tissue Bank
MABillericaSciSafe Biological and Pharmaceutical Storage
MABostonBrighman & Women’s-Harvard Biobank
MABostonDana Farber Biobank
MACambridgeHarvard Brain Tissue Resource Center
MALexingtonStore-a-Tooth Stem Cell Bank
MAPepperellMasy BioServices
MAWalthamAccelerated Cure Project MS Repository
MABostonCrimson Biospecimen Core
MABostonNational Temporal Bone Pathology Resource Registry
MAMilfordSeraCare Lifesciences
MAPeabodyProgeria Cell & Tissue Bank
MAWorcesterUniversity of Massachussets Tissue Bank Services
MAShrewsburyUniversity of Massachussets Stem Cell Registry
MAWalthamMultiple Sclerosis (MS) Repository
MDBaltimoreTissue Banks International
MDBaltimoreUniversity of Maryland Brain & Tissue Bank
MDBethesdaNCI Office of Biospecimens
MDBethesdaCooperative Human Tissue Network (CHTN)
MDBethesdaNIDDK Central Biorepository
MDFrederickNational Cancer Institute Biorepositories
MDGaithersburgKamTek Biorepository
MDRockvilleCapital Biosciences
MDRockvillePatheon pharma services
MDRockvilleUS Biolab
MIRoyal OakBeaumont Hospitals Biobank
MIDetroitJP McCarthy Cord Stem Cell Bank
MIDetroitMichigan Neonatal Biobank
MNRochesterMayo Clinic Biobank
MNRochesterMayo Validation Support Services Biobank
MOSt LouisWashington University Tissue Bank
NCDurhamDuke Biospecimen Repository & Processing Core
NCGreensboroChordoma Foundation Biobank
NJPrincetonAutism Tissue Bank
NJCamdenCoriell Stem Cell Biobank
NJHackensackHackensack Meridian Health Biorepository
NJEdisonMTF Biologics
NJCranburySciSafe Services – Biolife Solutions
NYShirleyCreative Bioarray
NYNew YorkNational Multiple Sclerosis Brain Bank
NYNew YorkManhattan HIV Brain Bank
NYNew YorkMount Sinai Biobank (BioMe Biobank)
NYNew YorkNew York University Specialty Tissue Banks
NYNew YorkStemSave
NYManhassetNorth Shore LIJ Biorepository
NYBuffaloRoswell Park Biorepository
OHClevelandCase Western Biorepository
OHCincinnatiCincinnati Biobank Core Facility
OHCincinnatiMedpace Reference Laboratories
OHClevelandCleveland Clinic Genomic Medicine Institute
OHColumbusOhio State Leukemia Tissue Bank
OHColumbusOhio Tissue Resource Network
OHAthensOhio U Diabetes Endocrine Biorepository
OHShaker HeightsCellular Technology Ltd
ORPortlandThe Kaiser Permanente Northwest Biospecimen Resources
ORPortlandOHSU Knight BioLibrary
PAIndianaAntria Inc.
PAPhiladelphiaCHTN Eastern Division – University of Pennsylvannia
PAPhiladelphiaFox Chase Tumor Bank
PADanvilleGeisinger Biobank
PAPhiladelphiaNational Disease Research Interchange
PAPittsburghNational Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project Tissue Bank
PAPhiladelphiaUniversity of Pennsylvannia Tumor Tissue Bank
PAWindberWindber Tisue Bank
RIProvidenceRhode Island Biobank
SC CharlestonMedical University of South Carolina
TNGrayPhysician’s Plasma Alliance
TNMemphisWorld BioBank
TNNashvilleVanderbilt Biobank
TNNashvilleVanderbilt University (Cooperative Human Tissue Network)
TXAustinBioEden Tooth Cell Bank
TXDallasiProcess Global Research
TXHoustonHeart Center Tissue Bank
TXHoustonMD Anderson Gynecologic Cancer Tissue Bank
TXHoustonTexas Medical Center Biobank
TXGalvestonUniversity of Texas Tumor Bank
UTAmerica ForkSciSafe Biological and Pharmaceutical Storage
VACharlottesvilleUniversity of Virginia Biorepository
VAFairfaxFairfax Cryobank
VARichmondUNOS Network for Organ Sharing
WASeattleGAPPS Repository
WASeattleFred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
WASeattleSeattle Sperm Bank
WILa CrosseGundersen Medical Foundation
WIMilwaukeeAurora Healthcare Biorepository
WIMarshfieldMarshfield Clinic Biobank
WIMadisonNational Stem Cell Bank
WIMilwaukeeMedical College of Wisconsin Tissue Bank

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Asian Biobanks

ChinaCancer Center Tissue Bank – Fudan University
ChinaOrigene China
ChinaZhongnan Biobank – Hubei Province
(Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University)
IndiaRGCIRC Biorepository (Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre)
IndiaSapien Biosciences
IndiaNarayana Hrudayalaya Tissue Bank and Stem Cell Research Center
IndiaTCG Life Sciences Biobank
IndiaTran-Scell Biologics
JapanBiobank Japan
JapanJapanese Collection of Bioresource Materials
JapanRiken BRC Cell Bank
JapanTokyo Cord Blood Bank (Japanese)
MalaysiaCryoCord Stem Cell Bank
MalaysiaStemLife Stem Cell Bank
SingaporeNational University Tissue Repository
SingaporeSingapore Cord Blood Bank
SingaporeStemCord Cord Blood Bank
TaiwanTaiwan Biobank
ThailandBankok Biomaterial Center

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Australian Biobanks

AdelaideAustralian Prostate Cancer Tissue Bank
AuchenflowerVentyx Wesley Research Institute Biobank
BrisbaneQueensland Children’s Tumour Bank
ChatswoodMultiple Sclerosis Research Australia Brain Bank
Clayton SouthASPREE Healthy Ageing Biobank
East MelbourneAustrailasian Biospecimen Network
QueenslandAustrailasian Leukemia & Lymphoma Tissue Bank
RandwickSydney Brain Bank
MelbourneAustralian Brain Bank Network
MelbourneVictorian Cancer Biobank
WestmeadCellBank Australia

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Middle East Biobanks

IranIran National Tumor Bank
IsraelSheba Medical Center Tissue Bank
IsraelTaburit Umbilical Cord Blood Bank
IsraelNational Laboratory for the Genetics of Israeli Populations

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Animal & Plant Biobanks

GermanyEUPRIM-Net Primate Biobank
ItalyGlobal Crop Diversity Trust
JapanNational Institute of Agrobiological SciencesGenebank
New ZealandRare Breeds Gene Bank
New ZealandNZ Rare Disease Biobank
NorwayMarbank – National Marine BioBank
NorwaySvalbard Global Seed Vault
SwedenNordic Genetic Resource Centre
SwedenSLU Biobank
UKRare Breed Survival Trust
USAged Rodent Tissue Bank
USAlpha Genesis
USK-Bar Livestock
USMarine Mammal Tissue Bank
USNCI National Products Branch
USOcean Genome Legacy

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